Not so much a buy and sell as a borrow...
Anyone lend me a small/medium, preferably fast, road bike for the TT on Wednesday? I can do it on the MTB but I'd like to see how I'd do with a Road bike. Bear in mind I'm vertically challenged so anything bigger than a medium would be no use I'm afraid.
Lend of a smallish road bike?
Re: Lend of a smallish road bike?
David, you can have mine as I'm not doing the TT?
It's a men's small size.
I can ask Martin to bring it with him if you like. It has cleats or we have pedals somewhere for it.
It's a men's small size.
I can ask Martin to bring it with him if you like. It has cleats or we have pedals somewhere for it.
Re: Lend of a smallish road bike?
Thanks Siobhan that woudl be great - don't worry about pedals, I'll bring my own SPDs. Probabaly see you and/or Martin at meeting tonight - we can confirm then.
Re: Lend of a smallish road bike?
Aah - Brian had convinced me to do the TT on a MTB with the line 'DC is doing it on a MTB also'..
Just going to have to get a double dose of gogo juice into me
Just going to have to get a double dose of gogo juice into me

Re: Lend of a smallish road bike?
You'll be grand, just pump your tyres to the max and you'll fly it!DavidT wrote:Aah - Brian had convinced me to do the TT on a MTB with the line 'DC is doing it on a MTB also'..
Just going to have to get a double dose of gogo juice into me
Re: Lend of a smallish road bike?
DC, the handicapper is coming to get you.....
Re: Lend of a smallish road bike?
He won't find me - not going tonight after all. Thanks for offer of bike anyway Siobhan.
Re: Lend of a smallish road bike?
I see the call of the mountain is just toooo strong.