Valentia Island National Sprint Championships

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Re: Valentia Island National Sprint Championships

Post by pjd »

National sprint championships
Valentia island

I have a rule if it takes longer to get there than your going to be racing it's too far!
Valentia island triathlon is the exception .
Stunning location and the idea of swimming from the main land to the island sounded appealing.

The road trip:

Roll on Friday morning and  another epic road trip.........
Frank and myself were travelling together ,Don coming down later in the day.
Shared driving was the order of the day as by the time we had got to Portlaoise I'd heard all about how driving effects Franks soleus ( maybe spelled wrong as I don't even know what it is!)
Got to The b& b after lots of forced rest stops by the boss  late afternoon.
Dump bags and catch car ferry over to the island ( your man is still counting the €6 Frank gave him in 5cents)
We decide to do Recce of the bike & run route, just as well as there's an awful rattle coming from my rear end and quite a few very sharp downhill turns.
Time well spent.
Return to car and check my bike, turns out my cassette is very loose.
Of course we didn't bring any tools. Will sort Saturday morning.
Down to registration and we meet Don there.
The two lads are hungry so we head for food. Just as well I'm not hungry because theres fish fish and more bloody fish on the menu! The two more refined 795 ers tuck into smoked salmon and brown bread. I sip water as we alll look out window at the sea. Eamonn Tiley had been in for a dip that evening and had said that the current was very strong, he had to aim way over to the right. Frank and myself I'm sure looked worried.
Retire to room which turns into a bike workshop with Frank changing tyres and all sorts of things. Now that I think of it what was that battery pack for? An engine :idea:

Race morning:

I find a nice man from Cork who gives me the cassette tightening tool I need, but in my haste to get it done quickly I lose the quick release spring! Drama.
That same nice man from cork  gives me one from a spare bike we has with him.
Drama over.
We set up in a numbered transition with minutes to spare.
Meet Don and we just chill. Sea is like a swimming pool ,not a ripple.
5 ferry trips later and we are ready to go.
Don is off in wave 1 me in 2 and Frank in 3.
Only 3 minutes between each wave which is nice.
Don reports after that there were mass brawls at the start
We all concur that the water wasn't near as cold as Courtown.
Before we all knew it the swim was over Don gliding across in 10:52 Frank a pb of 15:51 And me 14:30. Happy days.
Transition was long and narrow( easy now) so a good 200m run from the water.
I think Don must have  a PA in transition he's so quick. Meanwhile Frank & myself shower and change clothes!
The first 4 km of the bike is up a hill. Roads are narrow and with 550 or so competing and 3 waves there's people everywhere. Frank reckons he passed about 200 on the bike but with his counting who knows. But he did put in the quickest bike split of the 3 of us and had the 10th Quickest spilt of he day in his ag.
Don will have his work cutout for him to stay with Frank on that fast white bike this year.
Franks bike 32:04 Don 32:32  PJ 34:16
T2 was a breeze for everyone with Frank getting his now customary calf cramp .
The run was an out &back. 2.5 km up hill 2.5 down simple!
Saw Don when he had 1.5 left in the run and he was giving it socks.
Got to the turnaround and it was all downhill from there. Opened up and let fly for 2.5 km.
Saw Frank coming up the hill, shite he's not that far behind and the big lanky legs will get me coming down the hill!
I open up some more turns out I did the 2.5 km in 9:08.  Beat that Hogan :o
We all cross the finish line empty but happy.
"Great triathlon will definitely do this one again" was the consensus.
Weather gods also helped. Ideal  conditions sunny ,little wind and 15 deg c.

We pack up and head for home. Just before we stop for food our phones go with the results. Dean Watson sports timing on the ball. ( they did mtb race and are doing our Tri)
Great discussions (or shite talk ) over dinner re times.


Don came 65 th in a time of 1:07:43
13th in his age group
Frank 163 th in a time of 1:14:17
22th in his age group
Myself 149 th in a time  of1:13:38
30 th  in my ag.

Considering the top quality field I think we did great if I do say so myself!
Frank and myself will have some right battles this year cant wait.
Frank and Don will do battle on the bike splits every race.
And Don in the swim well 3 rd fastest time in his age group says it all really.

Cmon we could do with some company, and you will get fed up hearing about he 3 stooges all summer! :lol:
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Re: Valentia Island National Sprint Championships

Post by don »

Great report PJ and the quote of the day was 'there was an aweful rattle from my rear end'. It was coming from all ends PJ :lol:

I think 'competitive' was the order of the day, the winner a former world champion, current European Olympic Distance Champion and just back from Holland representing Ireland in the European 'Elite' Duathlon Championships where he finished 11th. Second place is just launching into his 'Elite' career also, 3rd to a former triple World Champion, 4th to the 2011 No 1 ranked Triathlete, 5th to the current European Sprint Distance Champion and the poor defending Sprint Distance Champion had to resign himself to 7th. Wow, and I could go on....

Great race, great times all round, the competition between Frank and PJ will be a thing to watch this year, Frank's Bike Split was nothing short of inhuman, that on top of a swim PB. As Frank said, 'I had to ease back at one stage on the bike as I was starting to wrentch', he went to that place, and even after Frank's expoits, PJ puts in and unbelievable run to clinch it.

There was only 39 seconds between them and yet to show how competitive the overall race was, they were separated by no less than 16 places. Happy all round as we shared the split times, however now I have to chase Frank's ass on the bike and he hasn't even got the fast wheels yet :o . (It's a Plant X Execet 2 Carbon Frame in white, ooohhhhh 8-) )
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Re: Valentia Island National Sprint Championships

Post by DavidF »

great stuff lads, nothing like a good race report.

here's a quote from the Planet X website about Franks new bike:

Race-proven Aerodynamics. For time-trialists and triathletes, the hi-mod carbon fibre Exocet 2 is the quickest bike we've ever made. If you can't go fast on this you might as well take up flower-arranging.

I guess its a good thing you went fast then Frank.. ;)
t redmond
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Post by t redmond »

Well done lads. Sounds like you had fun, great times by all.
f redmond
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Re: Valentia Island National Sprint Championships

Post by f redmond »

Well done lads, P.J its nice to see you met a nice cork man to sort out your rear end rattle :D and poor frank is still counting his piggy bank after paying extra for the white paint. sounded fun. well done.
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Re: Valentia Island National Sprint Championships

Post by frankb »

don wrote: It was coming from all ends PJ :lol:

How right you are Don - and you hadn't to spend 4.5 hours to and from Valentia in the same car :roll:
DavidF wrote:flower-arranging.[/i][/b]
- phew :o
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Re: Valentia Island National Sprint Championships

Post by johnd »

Great results all round lads, those splits are savage
Reckon Don made the right choice in not travelling with the two bucko's
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Re: Valentia Island National Sprint Championships

Post by Tom »

Fair play lads. Great report PJ. It's on for the 3km Friday (if I make it up) :D
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Re: Valentia Island National Sprint Championships

Post by don »

TI did a video of Valentia, nice touch. Racing 795 feature in a couple of spots, me at approx 40 secs, me again at approx 3.35 being chicked by the second place female and Frank High Fiving everyone as he finishes at approx 3.45. We're famous :o ... 07&nid=770
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Re: Valentia Island National Sprint Championships

Post by DavidF »

nice! looks great..

incidentally, Trevor Woods who finished 3rd last week was competing in the Munster XC mtb yesterday - he has done most of the rounds. Ross had a battle with him and pipped him for 4th place
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