Escape From Ireland Swim

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Re: Escape From Ireland Swim

Post by johnd »

Just spotted this rather helpful post on
It doesnt sound like any people answering this thread know this swim or its reputation. Take it from an experienced open water swimmer - this is a savage swim one of the hardest I have ever done (over 15yrs) in anything but a flat calm. Even when its flat calm the current in the centre of the channel will whip you off towards the nose of Howth despite your best efforts. The swim is also legendary for its Lions Mane jelliers. I saw a dead one on Claremont beach last week measuring 3 feet across - no joke. Bring vinegar you will need it. Its also very cold but hey you triathlete softies do it in wet suits so no problem there. The organisers are not joking when they say competent swimmers only. Competent swimmers should do it in no more than 45 minutes...for the rest of yis...well theres always the ferry back from the Isle of Man.
See yis at the finish
Something really really urgent has come up for Sunday morning ;) and there's no way I can make it to Howth :roll: - believe me I'd be there in a flash otherwise :D

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Re: Escape From Ireland Swim

Post by jbodels »

Thanks John....Great to have supporters..!

Its good that Tony doe's not do boards..!

Dena, We will see you there, thats for the offer of a lift.

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Re: Escape From Ireland Swim

Post by frankb »

It doesnt sound like any people answering this thread know this swim or its reputation. Take it from an experienced open water swimmer - this is a savage swim one of the hardest I have ever done (over 15yrs) in anything but a flat calm. Even when its flat calm the current in the centre of the channel will whip you off towards the nose of Howth despite your best efforts. The swim is also legendary for its Lions Mane jelliers. I saw a dead one on Claremont beach last week measuring 3 feet across - no joke. Bring vinegar you will need it. Its also very cold but hey you triathlete softies do it in wet suits so no problem there. The organisers are not joking when they say competent swimmers only. Competent swimmers should do it in no more than 45 minutes...for the rest of yis...well theres always the ferry back from the Isle of Man.
See yis at the finish

Sorry folks, washing my hair on that day and then i have to dry it as well, so won't make it unfortunately ;)
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Re: Escape From Ireland Swim

Post by pcoulahan »

I'll see you at 6am on Sunday morning. Where's the church in Ferns??
I've done feck all swimming since ironman so now I'm worried :lol:
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Re: Escape From Ireland Swim

Post by Dena »

Peter, the church is in the middle of the main street, just don't blink you might miss it :D

Tony, James see you up there,

As for the rest of ya, bock, bock, bock, (that's a chicken noise just incase)

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Re: Escape From Ireland Swim

Post by Dena »

Well that was interesting who knew how hard it would be to sight for an entire country!

Well done to the 5 brave souls of racing 795, that ignored the warnings of rip tides and sea monsters, we made it back to main land safe and sound with no detours to hollyhead ;)

No results up yet but from the after mass banter i think everyone was happy, especially James, Tony and myself great reassurance for sheep country next w-end.
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Re: Escape From Ireland Swim

Post by ciara »

That was a really good swim, especialy after our sea safari boat trip to the island, accompanied by a very foreign dood in a very skimpy speedo suit, who had no English as James tried to question him how far he had swam from! We proceeded to jump/dive off the boat and swim to the island where instructions were given to stay either on the left or the right of the bouys? The currents were confusing for most but Dena and Peter made it back in 4o mins, James and me in 52, and Tony 103. Well done to all and best of luck with the sheep!
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Re: Escape From Ireland Swim

Post by afoley »

well done lads adn lassies- fair deuce for ignoring the fears of others!
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Re: Escape From Ireland Swim

Post by DavidF »

great stuff folks, soon we will have to affiliate to the irish long distance swimming association!
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Re: Escape From Ireland Swim

Post by Siobhan »

Good stuff lads, well done!
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