Something really really urgent has come up for Sunday morningIt doesnt sound like any people answering this thread know this swim or its reputation. Take it from an experienced open water swimmer - this is a savage swim one of the hardest I have ever done (over 15yrs) in anything but a flat calm. Even when its flat calm the current in the centre of the channel will whip you off towards the nose of Howth despite your best efforts. The swim is also legendary for its Lions Mane jelliers. I saw a dead one on Claremont beach last week measuring 3 feet across - no joke. Bring vinegar you will need it. Its also very cold but hey you triathlete softies do it in wet suits so no problem there. The organisers are not joking when they say competent swimmers only. Competent swimmers should do it in no more than 45 minutes...for the rest of yis...well theres always the ferry back from the Isle of Man.
See yis at the finish
