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Re: Wicklow Way Relay 2013

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:10 pm
by Tom
Here's my tupence worth.

I think the one of the main reasons things went so well last year was because Captain fantastic (John) ran leg one and was then able to be around for the rest of the day making sure everyone was where they were supposed to be.

Recce, recce, recce I went wrong several times on my leg last year despite being quite familiar with the hills. The trail is not marked at every junction despite what imra says . Luckily I only went 5-6 mins wrong each time where as one of the raheny lads on my leg ended up running around 30 km wandering out onto a road and having to get a lift back.

Do the Leinster league to get used to the ups and downs.

Re: Wicklow Way Relay 2013

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:12 pm
by frankb
It was also successful because John insisted we do a recce and most of us did ;) - we could have been one of the few teams that didnt get badly lost and the guy that did get lost confused the sh*te out of the opposition by passing them 3 times :o

Re: Wicklow Way Relay 2013

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:48 pm
by johnd
Don't forget folks that Tracy is going to have to send off a cheque on Monday to pay your race entry, so don't be shy about giving her a few bob if you're around Sunday. Also she will need to fill out your details, and might need your DOB's Monday, but if not Monday will need them before the race anyway so you could save her a bit of hassle and send them to her now by PM or email if you like.
Places are limited and sell out quickly so completed entry and payment must go into post on Monday
I think entry was €15 per person last year

Re: Wicklow Way Relay 2013

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:53 pm
by Orls
Looking good so far thanks Tracy. I'm totally happy to do any leg, but initial thoughts: 5 or 6 whichever you don't do Tracy? Leg 2 looks bloody tough but if no one else is up for it I'll give it a lash :). Perhaps those of you who have done it could advise on the order to give us the best chance of doing well? Btw, I've a very poor sense of direction... :-D

Re: Wicklow Way Relay 2013

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:39 pm
by t redmond
Unfortunately the entry form is not available until Monday, so i will fill it out on Monday morning.

If the team members could give me their details eg DOB etc.

I will put a cheque in the post and ye can give me the €15 whenever I see ye.

I have roughly thought of the following legs for people to do:

Leg 1 - Mike

Leg 2 - Ross

Leg 3 - Joy

leg 4 - Peter

Leg 5 - Orla

Leg 6 - Tracy

Leg 7 - Fintan

Leg 8 - Adrian

We will gladly accept the help of last years team to help us do a recee of the course.

Also we will need to discuss travel arrangements, carpool etc. Dropping one person at their leg and driving to the next leg and so forth.

Re: Wicklow Way Relay 2013

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:58 pm
by Orls
8/12/1972. I'll give you the cash ASAP or post your bank details and I'll transfer. Thanks Tracy

Re: Wicklow Way Relay 2013

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 10:32 pm
by frankb

Re: Wicklow Way Relay 2013

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:40 am
by rosshead

Re: Wicklow Way Relay 2013

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:06 am
by pcoulahan
March 29th 1973

Re: Wicklow Way Relay 2013

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:43 am
by DavidF
pcoulahan wrote:March 29th 1973
Ah jaysus Peter, did we miss the party?