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Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:15 pm
by johnd
pcoulahan wrote:No smack talk yet? C'mon lads, what's the predictions?
Et tu, Brute ???

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:36 pm
by pcoulahan
johnd wrote:
pcoulahan wrote:No smack talk yet? C'mon lads, what's the predictions?
Et tu, Brute ???
It's the first time someone has tried to butter me up with a romantic Italian the night before a race John :lol:

Predictions.......if I fit info my wetsuit I'll hope to be first 795'er out of the water although Mr Gough's swimming may be better than mine given his Courtown adventures this summer. I'll spend half a day in T1 and will be caught very early by all on the bike :cry: I'll start the run in last place and cry as my knees complain the whole way around following my grinding up the hills. Will I catch any 795'er on the run ????? Time will tell ;)

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:13 pm
by johnd
Well the way to a man's heart and all that ...

Looks like we'll all be racked together in transition anyway:

263 John Dempsey Racing 795 TC
264 Ruairi Gough Racing 795 TC
265 Bill Barry Racing 795 TC
266 Peter Coughlan Racing 795 TC

(that's their spelling not mine Peter :o )

Transition is on the pier this year so will probably be tight but we wont have the long run to get there that others had before
Looking forward now with nervous anticipation, it's the only thing i can think about or talk about at the minute, it's driving me and everyone around me nuts
Ruairi put it well recently when he said he cant wait to get it done so he can get on with the rest of his life :D

Really looking forward to the cycle though, had a quick look on google maps and it is going to be awesome

prediction wise?

I reckon Peter will be first out of the water and I'll be last
I'm hoping I'll be the fastest on the bike, but not by a whole lot
Bill is likely to be the most consistent of the 4 of us across the 3 disciplines
We will probably all head out on the run within a few minutes of each other, but after racing that long beforehand it will be anyone's guess who can come home first
Judging by the results this year Bill, Peter and me are all running pretty similar times, Ruairi the sly dog has been flying below the radar so no telling what he's been up to or what shape he's in
It will all come down to who wants to suffer most on the run and knows the best shortcuts :)

Expect finish times within the 5:30 - 6:00 range

What do ye reckon?

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:27 pm
by RGough
Expectations are high of the dark horse in the race!

Looks like we are going to have the weather for it anyway, pack the suncream.

Courtown was great on Tuesday, so I am expecting warm weather temperatures in Kerry.

Italian Friday night is a must big dirty bowl of pasta on Friday night.

BTW, I did the race report for my race in May, so not doing this one! I propose John does it, he has done everything else :D

John is right about driving everyone mad, Mag was telling me in Xtravision at the weekend that she wishes the race was over too!!

As regards predictions, I think anything can happen, cycle looks interesting and scary in parts, and they ask you to pack 2 spare tubes, roads must be bad!


Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:33 pm
by johnd
RGough wrote:
Looks like we are going to have the weather for it anyway, pack the suncream.
What weather forecast are you looking at?
I hope you're right though
Met Éireann giving wind & rain

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:50 pm
by DavidF
Very entertaining lads. I don;t know what we'll do when it's all over :cry:

Best of luck to y'all, hope the report is as good as the preamble

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:26 pm
by DavidC
Classic Lost Sheep report of the past... ... mber-2011/

That's putting it up to ye lads!!

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:58 pm
by Dena
I knew exactly where that link was going to send me before I even tapped it. Even funnier the tenth time reading it. No one can ever live up to that report.

Best of luck to all of ye. I do very much hope you don't get the swim conditions a few of us got in 2010.

The cycle route we did for little boo peep did contain some of the route that ye are doing and the surface was totally shit I hope you all have practiced your tyre change.!!

Enjoy it lads its a great race and one most people like to say they have tackled. Looking forward to the race report ill clear a morning to read it if John is the author :D

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:23 pm
by johnd
Lets not beat around the bush here now lads

There's not a hope in hell that after travelling all the way to Kenmare to compete in my first ever Half Ironman on a course as epic as the Lost Sheep and having been this psyched about it so far in advance that I will do anything else but write a rather long winded race report! :)

The rest of ye are more than welcome to record your own musings too of course, but there will be something wordy from me no matter what.

Not sure if that's good news or bad news :?

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:00 pm
by frankb
Best of luck to the four shepherds on their epic journey around Kerry. Based on previous comments - the build up is mighty - cant wait for the report :D