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Re: Summer league 2012

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:03 pm
by pjd
Round 2 results

1st Mick Foley (guest)
2nd Don
3rd P.J.
4th Barry
5th Frank
6th Ross
7th David F
8th Fintan
9th Paul H
10th Adrian
11th Tracy
12th Siobhan

Thanks to Martin for marshalling.
And Lorraine Yvonne and the kids for support.

Leader board to follow.............

Re: Summer league 2012

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:12 pm
by DavidF

That was some craic..!! Exploding heart rates, exploding pelotons...the tactics were something else..lots of little digs off the front, none successful. A lot learned for the next day ie be a cute hoor like Barry and sit off the back.. :D The fact that a big group finished together made for a tight finish. The gallop to the line from the turn off on the my shall road was class, 60kph eyeballs out, I made a bid for freedom around the last bend only to be swallowed up and spat out by the peloton 100m from the line

Thanks to organizers and marshals, roll on the next one

Re: Summer league 2012

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:03 pm
by BShaugh
Well done all,sick to have missed this. One of the best nights last year

Re: Summer league 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:28 pm
by don
Ah we're back up and running. Had Forum withdrawal for a day or two. :o

Super night and definitely one of the best races/craic I've been involved in. Someone told me the route was 26k, so at 25.5 I made a burst, I died about 500 metres later only to realise there was another 2k to go :oops: . Don't know how, but I managed to pick myself up, tag onto the group as they passed me and make one final burst with a couple of hunderd metres to go, only to be piped by the 'Mighty Mick Foley' by a wheel. I didn't see behind but it looked like there was just a wheel between everyone. Super finish and Heart bursting stuff. Great support out there too and thanks to Martin for timekeeping and following us on the roads. Have to do this again, great training too

Re: Summer league 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:22 pm
by DavidC
Sounds great, I was weeping into my ballet programme after missing it. Fair play to PJ for organising it.

Re: Summer league 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:06 pm
by frankb
That was the hardest finish to any sports event i've ever done - took me at least 5 minutes to come round.

Great race and definitely one to be repeated - i knew the distance and left about 4km too early :oops: . It's such a different type of cycle racing. There will be alot of cute hoors the next time me thinks!

Well done to Pj and Martin on this one and of course to the winner - Mighty Mick!

Re: Summer league 2012

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:42 pm
by pjd
Leader board after round 2:

1st Don 200 pts
2nd PJ 160
3rd Frank 130
4th Barry 100
5th Fintan 90
6th Ross 80
7th David F 70
8th Tracy 50
9th Paul H 50
10th Adrian 40
11th Siobhan 20
12 th martin 20

Re: Summer league 2012

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:12 am
by pjd
Round 3 of the summer league is on next Tuesday evening.
Sign on at 7:15pm race starts at 7:30pm from Spellman park Kildavin ( Gaa pitch)

The route:

12 km mass start bike race heres route

5km run on Gibbet hill

And return by the same bike route.

We need at least one marshal to mind bikes at Gibbet transition point.

Current leader board:

1st Don 200 pts
2nd PJ 160
3rd Frank 130
4th Barry 100
5th Fintan 90
6th Ross 80
7th David F 70
8th Tracy 50
9th Paul H 50
10th Adrian 40
11th Siobhan 20
12 th martin 20

Re: Summer league 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:56 pm
by pjd
Here's the garmin route for the run:(thanks to Frank) ... id=6855703

So who's going??

Re: Summer league 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:12 pm
by DavidF
i'd love to but....