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Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:45 pm
by pjd
John D 5:30
Bill 5:35
Peter 5:38
Ruairi ??

Results: ... spx?Cid=74

Well done all

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:59 pm
by johnd
Savage days racing today, super tough course for all 3 disciplines, delighted to have it done. A mixture of tummy bug and pushing hard saw me puke the entire way round the bike course and 75% of run course. No exaggeration to say at least 25/30 times and probably more :(
Peter was first in from the swim at about 35 mins, Bill caught up with him in transition, Ruairi next about 50 mins, I got in at about 55 mins. Final 800m against a stiff enough tide, most people lost time here.
I caught the 3 lads on the bike, Bill came into transition before I left and I met Peter finishing his bike as I was starting the run. I biked about 2:45, pushed as hard as I could the whole way.
Tough tough run, turnaround point at 7.5k saw Bill maybe 2 mins back and Peter perhaps 5/6?
Struggled to get going but had a really good spell from 9k to 17k. All the puking caught up with me then and had to walk the last 250m up the final hill and never got going after that, all energy was long gone.
Waddled into the finish absolutely spent for a 5:30 finish - delighted :) Even though I had to do a sprint finish with the guy behind me - finished in a dead heat.
Bill came in at 5:35, Peter at 5:38 and Ruairi 6:00.
Super course, about as tough as they come, certainly the toughest thing I've ever done.
Fantastic race and very well organised, would recommend to anyone.
Full report to follow :) (when I get back to the laptop)
Feet up now for another hour then heading down the town for a few well earned pints, have to rehydrate ;)

Thanks for the nice texts and Facebook messages beforehand.

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:25 pm
by RGough
Of course we were all delighted that John did well and met his performance goals, it would have been difficult to listen to him whining over pints tonight!

My finish time was 6.01 very happy with that.

I would describe the experience in three words 'hills' and 'crap roads'

Great to be finished and thank you all for the good wishes. Most scenic race I have ever done!

Full report from John (I may have to help him, to ensure he gets the facts straight and does not just talk about his own experience!) :D


Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:27 pm
by pcoulahan
35 mins for the swim me arse Dempsey, I was out in 32 mins ;)

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:49 pm
by johnd
Would yis believe that smart arse Gough is only upstairs (resting :roll: )
And as for pernickety Peter, he's supposed to be halfway home by now :D

Look it lads, if you're that worried about sharing your own experience accurately, or even your own splits (working off memory of what ye told me here) then just write your own reports ;)

Anyways, the most important statistic from today is the final finishing positions, and they're most certainly correct :P

Seriously though, forgot to mention earlier that everyone got a PB today, not too sure about by how much for Peter & Ruairi, but Bill absolutely savaged his time here from last year, so everyone happy 8-)

David Tully, I'm obviously trying to beat your record on the Blackstairs adventure race for the most amount of emoticons to use in one post :o

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:45 pm
by BarryB
Jaysus the hostility, there is obviously some residual anger after you splattering the course with puke ahead of the boys for a few hours dempsey :D
Well done all sounds like a great experience

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:15 pm
by don
Reckon the lads slipped on John's puke :D . Well done all round, great results and some achievement. Enjoy the pints

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:36 pm
by pcoulahan
Anyways, the most important statistic from today is the final finishing positions, and they're most certainly correct :P
I agree John, but as the lads who are heading to London later this month will tell you its AG position rather than overall position that counts. You cant be comparing a young lad like you to aul lad like me. With that in mind:
Peter 21st in AG
John 32nd in AG
Bill 45th in AG
Ruarai 48th in AG

Seriously though, a great bike from you today. When you passed me after 50km you were motoring.

I had an ok day. My best case scenario was 33 min swim; 3.10 bike; 1.45 run with about 6-7 mins for transition giving a 5.35. I ended up with a 32.19 swim (delighted with that); a 3.11.45 bike (ok, not great, but my bike training this year has consisted of 2 sprint tris, one Olympic and the first day of the TdF so I cant really complain); and a 1.44.21 run that I'm thrilled with. Unfortunately I also took 10mins in transitions. That pushed me out to a 5.38. I cant believe I was so long in transitions, that cost me a few places :oops:

A great day out altogether.

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:58 pm
by frankb
Serious stuff all round - great racing and i'd say there was alot of lookin over the shoulder goin on. Tough conditions again after all the nice weather.

Re: Lost Sheep HIM 2013

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:00 pm
by t redmond
Well done guy's. brilliant times all round. The race report should be interesting if the last few posts are anything to go by :D