MTB - Spring league
MTB - Spring league
Greetings all & happy new year,
Jim and myself are putting on an unofficial MTB XC spring league consisting of four rounds.
The races will be based on the NPS format with each rider choosing their class e.g. S2, S3 or S4 etc male/female. It will be a mass start race with no handicap.
Races will consist of two, three or four laps accordingly.
The race loop is in the Monsoon/Little Djouce area and is a handy enough figure 8 loop, total distance of 3.2km but will be tough enough at pace.
The dates are as follows: Rd1 8th February, Rd2 1st March, Rd3 8th March, Rd4 22nd March.
Points awarded on your three best results, the final round plus any two of the other three races.
Races will start at 11am, riders can meet at the upper car park before cycling across together to the start line.
The approach is of a social/fun nature but the racing will be competitive as always. First time racers or less experienced riders are all welcome and encouraged to participate.
No problem if you cannot make all the races, come along to which ever ones you like.
We feel this little league along with Biking Blitz will help riders get back into the groove for the coming race season and give first time racers an idea of the feel and format.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Jim and myself are putting on an unofficial MTB XC spring league consisting of four rounds.
The races will be based on the NPS format with each rider choosing their class e.g. S2, S3 or S4 etc male/female. It will be a mass start race with no handicap.
Races will consist of two, three or four laps accordingly.
The race loop is in the Monsoon/Little Djouce area and is a handy enough figure 8 loop, total distance of 3.2km but will be tough enough at pace.
The dates are as follows: Rd1 8th February, Rd2 1st March, Rd3 8th March, Rd4 22nd March.
Points awarded on your three best results, the final round plus any two of the other three races.
Races will start at 11am, riders can meet at the upper car park before cycling across together to the start line.
The approach is of a social/fun nature but the racing will be competitive as always. First time racers or less experienced riders are all welcome and encouraged to participate.
No problem if you cannot make all the races, come along to which ever ones you like.
We feel this little league along with Biking Blitz will help riders get back into the groove for the coming race season and give first time racers an idea of the feel and format.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Re: MTB - Spring league
Deady lads!
Can't wait
Can't wait

- Posts: 200
- Joined: Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:16 am
Re: MTB - Spring league
Great idea lads. I hope to make them all
Re: MTB - Spring league
Cool idea lad's . I.m up for that . Just can't make the 1st of March
Re: MTB - Spring league
Great! Fair play lads
Re: MTB - Spring league
Good stuff Brian. I'm in.
Re: MTB - Spring league
Hi lads . Can you please keep the weekend of the 28/29 March free as we have a information evening the Saturday fir an hour or so and we also have a surprise guest for Sunday morning MTB'N who will keep ye on yer toes !!. The Sunday morning spin can be our usual spin . More info to come

Re: MTB - Spring league
Will do Nigel, thanks
Re: MTB - Spring league
dates are changed as follows:
Rd1 8th February, Rd2 22nd February, Rd3 1st March, Rd4 22nd March.
Rd1 8th February, Rd2 22nd February, Rd3 1st March, Rd4 22nd March.