Well done to the few hardy souls who slogged their way up Mullawn last night. Big 20 point win for Ciara who has now stormed into 3rd place. Jim has extended his lead at the top and new member Brian has points on the board! DC and Siobhan marshalled. Still all to play for with 7 events left and 10 events to count!
https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key ... n_GB#gid=3
Summer League Round 11
Re: Summer League Round 11
i've been on to the green party and they told last night doesn't fall under the ban on stag hunting
. Well done to ciara and jim

Re: Summer League Round 11
In fairness you stopped for a rest, a nature break and to make a phone call on the way up so hardly surprising you were caught!Brian wrote:i've been on to the green party and they told last night doesn't fall under the ban on stag hunting. Well done to ciara and jim