Ironman UK
Ironman UK
With everyone being very excited and concentrating on the Racing 795 Triathlon Debut this week, I just wanted to wish Peter the very best for his big day next weekend when he tackles his first Full Ironman in Bolton. We'll be thinking of you when sucking on a pint later Sunday evening
All the training, endless hours of work and hardship is now over, so enjoy and the very best of luck.

Re: Ironman UK
Good luck Peter. You're nuts, but good luck. 

Re: Ironman UK
Good luck Peter, hope it all goes well- great achievement- and you've put the work in so 'enjoy' it 

- Posts: 471
- Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:33 am
Re: Ironman UK
Well done on getting this far Peter. Its time to enjoy it now. Chill out, relax and have a great day on sunday.
Jim o87 2i895i4 jimfurlongatgmail
Re: Ironman UK
Best of luck Peter - will bring my gillet to Ferns on Wednesday eve
Re: Ironman UK
Good luck Peter, go make your family proud, the kiddies can call you superdad after the weekend.
Re: Ironman UK
Thanks to all for the good wishes. Hopefully I'll have a good day out and next summer can revert back to normal races and leave the 6-7hr training sessions behind
I'll be thinking of you all when I'm starting my marathon as if things go well this will be about the same time as the last Tri795 competitor finishes and ye are heading to the pub. I'm gutted I wont be there to watch all the hard work come to fruition but I'm sure next year I'll be landed with some plum job.
I'm starting to get nervous now about how much training I've done - all those mornings when I stayed in bed rather than get up early and run before work. Since Jan 5th when my training started I've swam approx. 128,000m; cycled 3,150kms and run 960kms - here's hoping that thats enough
You can track me on http://www.ironman.com or http://www.ironmanlive.com - my race number is 319.

I'll be thinking of you all when I'm starting my marathon as if things go well this will be about the same time as the last Tri795 competitor finishes and ye are heading to the pub. I'm gutted I wont be there to watch all the hard work come to fruition but I'm sure next year I'll be landed with some plum job.
I'm starting to get nervous now about how much training I've done - all those mornings when I stayed in bed rather than get up early and run before work. Since Jan 5th when my training started I've swam approx. 128,000m; cycled 3,150kms and run 960kms - here's hoping that thats enough

You can track me on http://www.ironman.com or http://www.ironmanlive.com - my race number is 319.
Re: Ironman UK
Best of luck Peter, I'm sure at least one of us will remember to raise a glass to you

- feck!!pcoulahan wrote:Since Jan 5th when my training started I've swam approx. 128,000m; cycled 3,150kms and run 960kms
Re: Ironman UK
pcoulahan wrote:Since Jan 5th when my training started I've swam approx. 128,000m; cycled 3,150kms and run 960kms
Jeez, I'm glad I'm not responsible for washing your kit! Well done Val- you've already done your Ironman!(Joke- am sure you know how to work the washing machine Peter!)
Seriously though- the very best of luck and am sure you'll be swopping tall tales with the other Racing 795 Ironmen when you come back....!