Look For Loan Of A Small Road Bike
Look For Loan Of A Small Road Bike
Hi All, looking for a favour. My sister in law is coming home from Zurich to do the Blackstairs Adventure race on May 4th and I'm looking for a loan of a road bike for her. It'll cost her a fortune to ship her bike over so any help would be appreciated.
Re: Look For Loan Of A Small Road Bike
Do you mean for a few weeks or just on the day to do race?
Josh has a small lady road bike. You could borrow that for the race, hes training himself for some triathlons so unfortunately couldn't go without it for any longer. Text me if u like 0877513081
Josh has a small lady road bike. You could borrow that for the race, hes training himself for some triathlons so unfortunately couldn't go without it for any longer. Text me if u like 0877513081