Mt Leinster Challange
- Posts: 586
- Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:47 am
Mt Leinster Challange
Check out Slaneycyclingclub web re their annual Mt Leinster Challange on Sat 15th May. Any one who is contemplating taking part in the Wicklow 200 should consider giving the Mt Len a shot. 100K spin takes you over mt leinster once from the myshall side via the carrabui gap (the hardest climb)..140k brings you over mt leinster twice, second time via bunclody and the nine will give you an indication as to what lies ahead for wicklow 200..which has three climbs....
Re: Mt Leinster Challange
Here's a direct link
I wonder could I do it on the MTB with skinny tyres? 140km (6+ hours) might be a bit long though.
I wonder could I do it on the MTB with skinny tyres? 140km (6+ hours) might be a bit long though.
Re: Mt Leinster Challange
I am thinking of doing this aswell. I might try and organise a road bike for the day.
Re: Mt Leinster Challange
are you feeling unwell?Rudolf wrote:I am thinking of doing this aswell. I might try and organise a road bike for the day.
seriously though you can have mine if u want as I won't be doing it
Re: Mt Leinster Challange
With all these hills to cycle in the area i have to give this road biking a go. thanks for the lending of the bike.
Re: Mt Leinster Challange
I'd love to give it ago, i don't think i can miss my first born child's communion for it. (damm rugrats)
- Posts: 586
- Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:47 am
Re: Mt Leinster Challange
Dina, you'll have to get your priorities right, why not fill your first born with two liters of pepsi max a jumbo bag of blue M&Ns and stick 50euro in his pocket...You'll be home, showered and on your third drink by the time he comes down from that high
On a serious note, Carlow Cycling Club hold their annual I50 / 100 SPIN ON THE LAST SATURDAY IN MARCH 30th? the route is similar to the one we did a few weeks ago through baltinglass except you cross the nine stones from the bunclody side..let me know if your interested, we might try get a crew together to give it a lash (ps enjoy the communion day)