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Camelbak reservoir leaking

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 10:29 pm
by Mr Scuttleman
My Camelbak Mule 3l water reservoir is leaking at the top. It looks like the rubber is not sealing. I had started cleaning properly with Milton (maybe this is responsible for damaging the rubber - unlikely). Any fixing tips? Presume just need to buy another. Shame as this one is perfect otherwise. Can use for spares if can't seal properly.

Re: Camelbak reservoir leaking

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:30 pm
by DavidC
2 weeks silence. Look like there's no fix for Hennessy's leaky bladder.

Re: Camelbak reservoir leaking

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:52 pm
by BrianM
I remember seeing bladders for sale in Decathlon for a lot cheaper than the official Camelpak ones.. Might be worth checking the website. The Belfast store delivers to ROI if you call them

Re: Camelbak reservoir leaking

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 9:49 am
by DavidT
By leaking at the top do you mean the opening for filling the reservoir? If so, have a look at the o-ring. There may be dirt in/around it that's causing a leak or it may need to be replaced. ... -dirt.aspx

Re: Camelbak reservoir leaking

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:01 pm
by Mr Scuttleman
Thanks. Annoying.Only have it 18 months. Soaking wet arse after every ride, even on dry days. Thought that it might be a common problem with a quick fix. Just realised that Camelbak have a 'bak' policy if the gear is faulty. Slammed the buckle in car door when I was trying to stand it up so need to sort that too. Going to get the 2l lumbar camelbak charge 10 LR. Will fix the mule as a back up or for longer rides.