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Warning. Thieves in Kilbrannish area.

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:42 pm
by DavidC
Heard two reports of cars being broken into in Kilbrannish today, please beware and take whatever precautions you see fit. If you see anything dodgy tell the guards.

Re: Warning. Thieves in Kilbrannish area.

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:07 am
by DavidC
Folks, got the following message from one of the people who were robbed

Hey guys,

I was biking in the Kilbrannish area with a friend last Sunday when his car got broken into and our bags taken. The theives just threw the stuff out and we have recovered some of the stuff. I am however still missing one S-Works MTB shoe in 43. If any of your riders happen upon a shoe in a ditch in the area would you send me a message?

If anyone spots anything please let me know