After all the hard work and endless preparation its finally here, wishing you all a very sucessful event Event the weather is playing ball, happy days
enjoy it all and here's to many more club events :
Well done to all involved in organising today's event- it was a runaway success!
Nothing but good comments to be heard all day, hopefully we can maintain this high standard set today with all events we run in the future,
continuing in August with TRI795.
Hi folks sorry to have missed the first Racing 795 event but i was a bit tied up as you can imagine
Was talking to a friend from work who was there with 6 or 7 others and they all had great things to say from the parking( well done James you survived without ne!!) to the whole organisation. They taught the course was tough but really enjoyed it.One even said it was the best race hes been to! Well done to you all. Hope the heads aren't too sore this morning.
it was a joy to be part of a great event- agree with the above comments- pat on the back for everyone!
super way to spend a sunday- outdoors, fine weather, surroundings of good, like minded people.
hope redmonds isn't too busy restocking today!
Well done everyone, great to be apart of a sucess story. After yesterdays performance, looking forward to the next big day out at Tri795, great buzz all around. Sorry I didn't get down to Redmond's last night but will defo follow up after the Triathlon.
Well that was some race!.
13.35 the masters were off. I had a good start trying to stay in the wheel of the first 10 riders. Then a the climb to paradise became steeper i had to ease off and i got past by a dozen riders. The sight ahead was like a long train of mtbers al heading for the narrow entrance of paradise. This is where my race face took more shape by passing a rider into the paradise entrance. Loads of bikes and riders falling on the slippery rocks and roots. at the end of paradise i had passed about 5 riders. starting the upper climb it was a case of sitting down and push hard. still a lot of bikes around . critial mass was just a case of steady rolling as there was a load of traffic. starting the second lap i had a battle with Beth mcclusky changing places going up to paradise. here I lost the sprint to the entrance of the single track and Beth staid in front of me until she had small off. on the higher road she passed me again but i managed to get in first in the critical mass. slowly started to pass some people on the downhills right up to the start. 3rd lap was hell trying to stay with an epic and mad jersy. passed them on the higher road, going in first to the criticla mass. tomuch effort put in passing the two lads ment i lost control on the downhill and barly made it down in one piece. then they passed me.the cheers from the marshals at the lower wood realy helpt and I went to try and catch the epic and mad dudes. they climbed better than me so I had all the brakes off in paradise and critical mass. the Mad dude got a bit nervous at the big rock and fell of. I got one more position on the climb in the lower wood. Never caught the epic jersey. over the finnish in bits but with a big smile. This is what makes racing try and race as hard as you possibly can. passing people, falling over, back on the bike, being passed and having the buzz. This was absolutly a great race course with technical riding and stiff climbs (no time to have a drink). Thanks very much to all the marshalls that cheered me on it realy helped me to push even harder. also a big thanks to the commity who deccided that I was the one who had to wear the club 795 jersy for the race. thanks to Ciara for helping in the feedzone and some physio. All the night and sunday spins were great and realy helped me to get this 10th place. The food at the end was delicous
thanks to all who helped and bring on the next event tri 795