mtb spin sunday 27th march
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:23 pm
something a little different next sunday folks, a wander around 'the far side'.
this is the area on the south east side of mt leinster. we will approach from mullaun (where we do the hill climb) and head over through the red gate. then around the hill, up towards the turfcutters hut before heading down a gnarly rock garden to bring us to the pilgrims path. a bit of freeriding through the fields then to get back to the road at ballycrystal to lead us to clologue.
with the weather playing ball this is a great place for a spin. lots of sheeptrack through the open heather and the views are second to none. we wil go round in a big loop bringing us back to the ruined village.
this is likely to take about 3 hrs. pace will be steady and sociable. as we will be doing a loop there is plenty of scope to cut it short. if you think you would like to come along but not for the whole spin give me a shout and i will advise you.
Plan is to leave be in the saddle leaving the halfway house at 9 am
here's some photos from previous spins over there to whet the appetite
this is the area on the south east side of mt leinster. we will approach from mullaun (where we do the hill climb) and head over through the red gate. then around the hill, up towards the turfcutters hut before heading down a gnarly rock garden to bring us to the pilgrims path. a bit of freeriding through the fields then to get back to the road at ballycrystal to lead us to clologue.
with the weather playing ball this is a great place for a spin. lots of sheeptrack through the open heather and the views are second to none. we wil go round in a big loop bringing us back to the ruined village.
this is likely to take about 3 hrs. pace will be steady and sociable. as we will be doing a loop there is plenty of scope to cut it short. if you think you would like to come along but not for the whole spin give me a shout and i will advise you.
Plan is to leave be in the saddle leaving the halfway house at 9 am
here's some photos from previous spins over there to whet the appetite