So far, i'm learning lots... great topic Shaughs. Have to admit, i don't pay enough attention to the HR and as lazyboypops often pointed out on the winter runs "too fast, too fast...."
Here's my tuppence worth.
Just calculated training volume for bike and run between 2010 and 2011. Bike volume increased by a factor of 2.4 times what i covered in 2010 and run vol by a factor of 2.1. Slow runs in January and February were hugely beneficial (never did more than 14k before that). Bottom line, miles on the legs is the obvious! The war training with Barry, Shaughs and PJ in April was hugely beneficial, as it incorporated Corrabut, hill running (digs on the ups and leg speed on the downs) and transition with long cycles.
Single most important benefit IMO was the bike fit and tribars that suited me. Let it be placebo, but i immediately felt comfortable in the aero position and confidence followed, after lots of training in this position.
Next lesson i learned was changing my training once tri season started, as wondered how i would fit what i was doing in between all these races. The answer i found on the web. - (Check out the tables on typical and taper week).
This was nice and simple and i followed what i could within my time constraints. I found the taper information particularly useful. Info like intervals at 10km race pace was v useful and tryin to keep Shaughs in view kept me focused (and that's just the intervals). Definitely think that the 16km TT's were beneficial (we did invite people on these - along Enniscorthy Oilgate - fast surface).
Lastly, as the saying goes, "if you learn by your mistakes, I'm getting a great education" - well bonking on a 100km cycle in October, made me consider the role of nutrition far more! Was 10km from home and had to be collected! Simply put - solid breakie and aim for 40-60grams of carbohydrates per hour of activity (Having a nutritionist in the house helped!). This translates simply as a large gel on the half hour and an energy bar on the hour. Don't go to the well and then realise your hungry - As Willie John said "get your retaliation in first".
Some of the above is probably obvious to some of you, but may help new members or those who intend to ramp up the training.
Love to hear from others - cmon guys, share the wealth!