Pool running workshop

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Posts: 1365
Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:30 pm

Pool running workshop

Post by frankb »

Pool running workshop and masterclass with Dr Niamh Murphy (exercise physiologist)

Pool running-what is it?

In triathlon, one all too common consequence of training progression and overload is injury to the muscles or joints. Exercising in deep water can be an excellent alternative. Water running is an excellent way to maintain fitness while injured, provided you train at the same intensity as you would do on land. Water running is used by many top level athletes and many maintain, or even improve performance post training. It can also be used instead of a land based session when the muscles are sore following an intensive training cycle. Because the same muscles are used in water as on land, pool running is better for maintaining neuromuscular fitness than cross training on a bike or swimming. For most people, using a flotation device is the best way to ensure that the correct muscles are recruited in the correct way and specially designed running vests have been designed for this purpose.

Niamh has experience in coaching elite runners, triathletes and games players in thetechnique of pool running. Each participant will receive their own running belt to keep and the masterclass will include instruction on the principles of pool running and on good technique, exercises on how to improve muscle imbalances and weaknesses in the water and sample sessions to substitute for land based sessions.

The cost of the session, including belt and booklet, is 25euro, but the club hope to supplement the costs for our members.

Niamh can take us in the Watershed in Kilkenny from 7-8pm on the following dates:
Friday 28th Oct
Wednesday 2nd November
Friday 4th November

Please post below if you have an interest in this. Non members are welcome once they pay the full amount.
f redmond
Posts: 119
Joined: Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:12 pm

Re: Pool running workshop

Post by f redmond »

Frank I'd be interested in this on either of the fridays
Posts: 1365
Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:30 pm

Re: Pool running workshop

Post by frankb »

I'm also interested. Hopefully we can get enough for this to go ahead
Posts: 65
Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:21 pm

Re: Pool running workshop

Post by Eimearbowden »

Sounds interesting! I'd be interested in this if it went ahead. Wednesday would prob be best for me because of swimming in Mount Wolsley on Fridays...
Posts: 1365
Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:30 pm

Re: Pool running workshop

Post by frankb »

Niamh emailed me with the option of a few slots this Wed eve in kilkenny from 7-8pm as we haven't enough for a stanalone full club group lesson. Short notice I know, so anyone else for this Wed- let me know by tonight.
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