795 Swim Series for August
Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:26 pm
795 Summer Swim Series kicks of next Weds, in Bagnalstown. Free for club members, but you can bring a friend for 2euro contribution...Just sign on below so as we have an idea of numbers. Hope to see you all there.
Swim No 1 Wed Aug 2nd Sprint 750m Start above pool - finish at top of Slipway (Downstream)
Swim No 2 Thur Aug 10th Sprint 750m Start above pool - finish at top of Slipway (Downstream)
Swim No 3 Thur Aug 17th Sprint 750m Start above pool - finish at top of Slipway (600m Upstream 900m Downstream)
Number on left hand - with big fat black marker
Show hand to timer at top of ramp , swim finishes out of the water at top of ramp as in race.
Shouldnt be too much hassle, I'll put a starter turn around buoy in the water for the longer race.
If possible we'll try get a kayak or two on the water
Two marshals/timers should do the job
PS, A big thank you to Mike Ryan for putting this together..
pps bring a packet of biscuits or a bun.....
Swim No 1 Wed Aug 2nd Sprint 750m Start above pool - finish at top of Slipway (Downstream)
Swim No 2 Thur Aug 10th Sprint 750m Start above pool - finish at top of Slipway (Downstream)
Swim No 3 Thur Aug 17th Sprint 750m Start above pool - finish at top of Slipway (600m Upstream 900m Downstream)
Number on left hand - with big fat black marker
Show hand to timer at top of ramp , swim finishes out of the water at top of ramp as in race.
Shouldnt be too much hassle, I'll put a starter turn around buoy in the water for the longer race.
If possible we'll try get a kayak or two on the water
Two marshals/timers should do the job
PS, A big thank you to Mike Ryan for putting this together..
pps bring a packet of biscuits or a bun.....