Event date is 26th November 2016
13km and 26km options: the long option is 26km, over a mix of road and trail surfaces, and with an elevation gain over the course of over 1000m. The 13km option has most of the height already gained and is mostly on trail surface.
Barry and I have signed up to the 26km option.
It's 30 euro early bird entry until end of Aug (today).
Run the Line
Re: Run the Line
Signed up...26km...may aswell be hung for a sheep as a lamb! All I need now is someone to show me a few trails where I can train...any advice welcome 

Re: Run the Line
I'll be doing the 26k too . Maybe we can sort a few evening runs on mount leinster or down in Bunclody on the Gibbet
Re: Run the Line
That would be great...maybe we could fix a regular time - I'd be happy to at least get one long run per week on the mountain.
Re: Run the Line
I'm running tomorrow morning ... f=7&t=2746
Re: Run the Line
Check out Coolmelagh in this doc - shows the walking/running routes around Gibbet Hill. They're signed from the main entrance also. ... 568,en.pdf
also the Coillte outdoor site has Coolmelagh (Gibbet): ... c_site=150
Kilbrannish has good trail running options: ... no_cache=1
Here's how to get up to Kilbrannish from Kildavin/Ballypierce: ... Stones.pdf
I'm unlikely going to be able to commit to regular trail running for now as I do most running at lunchtime, if and when it suits.
Check out Coolmelagh in this doc - shows the walking/running routes around Gibbet Hill. They're signed from the main entrance also. ... 568,en.pdf
also the Coillte outdoor site has Coolmelagh (Gibbet): ... c_site=150
Kilbrannish has good trail running options: ... no_cache=1
Here's how to get up to Kilbrannish from Kildavin/Ballypierce: ... Stones.pdf
I'm unlikely going to be able to commit to regular trail running for now as I do most running at lunchtime, if and when it suits.
Re: Run the Line
Thanks a million David, that's really helpful! Good luck with the training, talk to you again.
Re: Run the Line
Posted tonight on fb:
RTL has less than 50 spaces left and is looking to sell out in the coming days. Remember, there in no waitlist this year so hurry if you are still thinking about it. Thanks - RTL team
RTL has less than 50 spaces left and is looking to sell out in the coming days. Remember, there in no waitlist this year so hurry if you are still thinking about it. Thanks - RTL team