Hello All
Lower CarPark 19.00 hours. Johns hill, windmills, croughan, peat, left to mini DH track back to wind mills down all the single track back to the car. It will be dark by the time we hit the last decent from the windmills so garandtied funn on the rock,n roll. Night riding will improve you skills. You will hit stuff before you know it and ride over it. With the marathon champs on the way the pace for wednesday will be easy steady the decents will be fast steady.
bring your lights fully charged this spin could take a while.
see you at Seven
MTB spin wednesday 22/09
Re: MTB spin wednesday 22/09
Sound good, i'll be along to try and work off some of the holiday belly (although it will take more than one spin i think

Re: MTB spin wednesday 22/09
not around for this one, have fun
Re: MTB spin wednesday 22/09
Good stuff - see you there.
Re: MTB spin wednesday 22/09
Dying of a pestilence at the moment so I'm doubtful. Might pop up to say hello though.
Re: MTB spin wednesday 22/09
one of rudolf's favourites no doubtDavidC wrote: pestilence

Re: MTB spin wednesday 22/09
cant make this see new topic MTB CHANGE