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turn right
up past dabbage
past dh track
up linker
high gravel rd
left at entrance to critical mass
up fire break to johns hill
backwards lap of johns hill ie anticlockwise
black dog
critical mass
dabbage patch
pace will be sensible (ie my pace ) we'll only be stopping to help barry on his inevitable breakdown
suggest that the s4 riders head for johns hill via the fire rd - we should then all meet at johns hill and can spin up to windmills together
summer arrived early. poor old DC - we had to witness him stripping out of his winter gear at johns hill - not a pretty sight especially when the result was some dodgy yellow shirt and 5/8 length pants
good, hard technical climbing upto and around Johns Hill. Fair play to Tully and Brian for grinding up the hills. Brian was flying down rocknroll.
quote of the day (apparently robbed from barry) - dc to brian - "that pain you're feeling - it's only the weakness getting out'
yeah first spin without a winter jacket. nice rocky all mountain spin. brian was flying " flying Brian" lucky the DH track is beside RNR its great for over taking. bring on the summer.