Another year and another Club Championship (for The Martin Mimnagh Cup) to be won. This is the 6th year of the Club Champs, and this year we have made a few tweaks to the scoring system.
For the first time running events will be included in addition to the usual triathlon and mtb events. From a scoring point of view, we have developed a list of events across these three disciplines which will be the primary scoring events. The list of events is attached to this post.
Here are the details:
Club Championships 2014
The ethos of the Club Championship is 'participation and improvement'
To qualify:
Must be a full member of Racing795 by 28th February 2014. This means you have to have paid your Club fee and supplied the Secretary with your 2014 TI/CI membership details by this date (2013 details will not suffice).
Must compete in at least one National Series Triathlon event or National Points Series mtb event or one running event as listed on the attached list.
Competition Start/Finish
Start will be from 31st January 2014.
Finish will be the 31st October 2014.
Best 5 scores to count i.e. you can do as many events as you want but only your best 5 will count.
Each member (where it is not obvious) must nominate a discipline (tri,mtb or running) from which their scores will come from before the competition starts. If you fail do do so then the Committee will make that decision on your behalf. In the final 5 scores, 4 must come from this nominated discipline.
You will score points in two ways – participation points and competition points.
For participation points the following will apply:
National Series Tri (Olympic and Sprint)
National Points Series xc mtb
Irish Enduro mtb Series
National Championships in Sprint and Olympic Triathlon and xc and Enduro mtb
Running Events on the attached list
15 points + competition points
Any other event on the TI / Irish offroad cycling calendars (https://www.triathlonireland-newserver. ... races.html) ( ... d-calendar)
10 points no competition points
Any other event (ie running events not on list, adventure races etc)
5 points no competition points
For competition points the following will apply:
Only like events will be scored with like events ie sprint distance with sprint distance tri, olympic distance with olympic distance tri etc..xc mtb with xc mtb etc..
Where the format of an event is changed on the day (eg where a swim in a triathlon is cancelled) then the participation points e.g. 10 for non NS/NPS and 15 for NS/NPS and no competition points will be awarded to competitiors.
Competition scoring will be by the 'base' system as previously used:
The 'base' is how far you are behind the age group (triathlon) or category winner (mtb) or overall winner (running events) in percentage terms.
A new 'base' is established at each event and used to calculate the score at the next event. Note that a 'base' event is needed for each discipline you wish to collect points in, so if you are competing for eg in tri, mtb, running events you have to have a separate base for each one. If you only do one event in a discipline then you still get the minimum participation points.
Points allocated as follows:
% away from Base Points scored % away from Base Points scored
1 1 -1 -1
2 2 -2 -2
3 3 -3 -3
4 4 -4 -4
5 5 -5 -5
6 6 -6 -6
7 7 -7 -7
8 8 -8 -8
9 9 -9 -9
>10 10 >-10 -10
For running events, your score will be calculated against the overall event winner. In order to maintain consistency both the winner’s time and the competitor’s time will be converted to a 10k time using the calculator at this link: If the winners 10k time is greater than 35 mins it cannot be used to calculate competition points.
Submission of Results
It is up to each individual to supply their results to the Club Championship.All you need to to is email your results to The onus is on you to submit your results, if you do not submit your results then they may not count. When submitting your results they should be in the format:
Your time
Your age group (triathlon) or racing category (mtb) or the overall (running) winner’s time
The event name
The event date
In the event of a tie, the person who has competed in more competition scoring events will be declared the winner. In the event of a further tie the person who has competed in the most scoring events will be declared the winner.
Good luck!
Club Championship 2014
- Posts: 471
- Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:33 am
Re: Club Championship 2014
What are the events for 2015 - I have to defend the title