Club Duathlon 21st Feb 10am
Club Duathlon 21st Feb 10am
As mentioned at the time trail on the 17th of January we are holding a club duathlon on the 21st of feburary.
The start will be a 10am sharp all starting together.
It will be a gentle 3km run 20km bike and a 3km sprint to the finish. the route will be as follows ... e5a35&z=12
Transition will be at kildavin GAA pitch
First of all we are looking for a responce from members to gauge interest as there will be work involved in setting up for the day.
Second we are looking for 3 volunteers to do marshal and time keeping duties.
As with the Time Trial this is open to all members as well as guests so please let anyone know who you might feel would be intersted.
There will be no prizes, this is just for a bit of fun.
As mentioned at the time trail on the 17th of January we are holding a club duathlon on the 21st of feburary.
The start will be a 10am sharp all starting together.
It will be a gentle 3km run 20km bike and a 3km sprint to the finish. the route will be as follows ... e5a35&z=12
Transition will be at kildavin GAA pitch
First of all we are looking for a responce from members to gauge interest as there will be work involved in setting up for the day.
Second we are looking for 3 volunteers to do marshal and time keeping duties.
As with the Time Trial this is open to all members as well as guests so please let anyone know who you might feel would be intersted.
There will be no prizes, this is just for a bit of fun.
Last edited by BarryB on Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Club Duathlon 21st Feb 10am
I'll volunteer for the morning. Marshalling, time keeping, babysitting, whatevers needed.
Re: Club Duathlon 21st Feb 10am
Yeah deff up for the duathlon, is there any other dates in the pipeline, Tom is disappointed he can't make it he's racing in the national intermediate same day.
Re: Club Duathlon 21st Feb 10am
Yeah im def interested, hopefully Yvonne will be around to do a bit of babysitting also 
Ill be there to give a hand putting up equipment and taking it down also.

Ill be there to give a hand putting up equipment and taking it down also.
Re: Club Duathlon 21st Feb 10am
Dena we would love to do another if this one is well recieved don't see why we couldn't do one in March but no dates set yet
Re: Club Duathlon 21st Feb 10am
count me in to volunteer- great that there might be others to come.
- Posts: 471
- Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:33 am
Re: Club Duathlon 21st Feb 10am
Count me in for participation or timekeeping or whatever. I'll go mtb in the afternoon if I'm not participating.
Jim o87 2i895i4 jimfurlongatgmail
Re: Club Duathlon 21st Feb 10am
Won't be racing. Available for setup, timing, marshalling, whatever.
Re: Club Duathlon 21st Feb 10am
Right that is more marshals than participants !!!
Marshals sorted for the day Lorraine, Yvonne, Aisling and DC
Jim can get out and slog it since he missed the last tt
Marshals sorted for the day Lorraine, Yvonne, Aisling and DC
Jim can get out and slog it since he missed the last tt

Re: Club Duathlon 21st Feb 10am
Damn, missed out on the marshalling, looks like I will have to slog it out. looking forward to it.