Wednesday 17th mtb training plan
Wednesday 17th mtb training plan
Ok, If it stays dry I suggest to climb up the hill then down courtown backup the hill 5 laps of the course at constant pace then down courtown and finnish. after those long slow spins in the weekend it is time to put some power down. how does this sound any takers.
Re: Wednesday 17th mtb training plan
Oh dear, I am in Dublin tomorrow and may not be home in time for what promises to be a really enjoyable training session.
Hey Rudolf, how long do you reckon all that would take?
Hey Rudolf, how long do you reckon all that would take?
Re: Wednesday 17th mtb training plan
i'm in, sounds good.
now if sunday was a long SLOW spin then God help us tomorrow night
what time? meet at 7.15?
now if sunday was a long SLOW spin then God help us tomorrow night

what time? meet at 7.15?
Re: Wednesday 17th mtb training plan
7.15 is good. I think that we should be around 1hour and 20 min pedaling. DC you should try and cycle up to join us later (if you can).
Re: Wednesday 17th mtb training plan
suits me I will meet ye for the second climb predicted time please 7.30??
Re: Wednesday 17th mtb training plan
yeah i would say so
Re: Wednesday 17th mtb training plan
Barry you are now only doing the courtown decent, you can still change your mind. go on, 7.15 is a perfect time. 

Re: Wednesday 17th mtb training plan
courtown decent once, i forgot to put in once
Re: Wednesday 17th mtb training plan
i like the positivity - but what about having to do the gruelling climb twiceRudolf wrote:courtown decent once

Re: Wednesday 17th mtb training plan
ok I'm back from a run and I must be a bit tired Rudolf you have me all confused has your origional plan changed to one climb up, five laps and one decent of courtown.