Dena's Ironman

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Dena's Ironman

Post by johnd »

Best of luck Dena this weekend in your Ironman
Tough as nails you are, will be no bother to you
Looking forward to hearing all about how you get on
Tough auld slog for Tom and the lads having to head to Salou for the weekend :lol:

Only 3 days, 12 hours and 30 mins to go apparently :D :
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Re: Dena's Ironman

Post by Dena »

thanks for the riminder :( ah no i am looking forward to tackling it at this stage and enjoying the kids free week after :D
i shall keep you posted
Posts: 722
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Re: Dena's Ironman

Post by don »

Wow, I didn't realise it was that close. Well the very best of luck Dena, you will fly it and a huge support team travelling behind you. I've no doubt you will do yourself proud and fly the flag for the club. Tog a bog e :D
Posts: 231
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Re: Dena's Ironman

Post by RGough »

Best of luck Dena. Hope it goes well for you. Let us know how you get on.
Posts: 332
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Re: Dena's Ironman

Post by pcoulahan »

The hard part (the endless hours of training) is over :D Enjoy the day, you only do your first ironman once. Remember to treat the bike like a rolling buffet and same something in your legs for the marathon ;) The best of luck.
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Re: Dena's Ironman

Post by DavidF »

Best of luck Dena from the Furlongs. It will be a day top remember no doubt, and we're looking forward to the report.
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Re: Dena's Ironman

Post by frankb »

Best of luck Dena- all the hard training will pay off!

Posts: 110
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Re: Dena's Ironman

Post by Siobhan »

The very best of luck Dena- we want to hear about every mile when you come back as Racing 795's first Ironwoman :D
Enjoy it all!

Siobhan and Martin
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Re: Dena's Ironman

Post by Dena »

Thanks everybody for the supportive comments, calls texts and cards. It's a great boost to hear people are willing you on.
My next post will hopefully be a full blown race repot
Thanks again
Dena x x
Posts: 1007
Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:38 pm

Re: Dena's Ironman

Post by pjd »

Best of luck on Sunday Dena
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